Sales Engineer: A description for the sales engineer job

Sales Engineer

Sales Engineer: Marketing engineer Sells chemical, mechanical, electromechanical, electrical, electronic equipment and supplies or services requiring knowledge of engineering and cost effectiveness: Calls on management representatives, for example engineers, architects, or other professional and technical personnel at commercial, industrial, and other establishments in attempt to convince prospective client of desirability and practicability of products or services offered. Reviews blueprints, plans, and other customer documents to develop and prepare cost estimates or projected increases in production from client’s use of proposed equipment or services. Draws up or proposes changes in equipment, processes, or use of materials or services which would result in cost reduction or improvement in operations. Provides technical services to clients relating to use, operation, and maintenance of equipment. May also draw up sales or service contract for products or services. May also provide technical training to employees of client. Usually specializes in sale of one or more closely related group of products or types of services, for example electrical or electronic equipment or systems, industrial machinery, processing equipment or systems, air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment, electric power equipment, or chemical goods.

Other master job titles:
Sales Representative
Automatic Sewing-Machine Operator
Regular Equipment Sewing-Machine Operator
Supervisor 1
Test Engineer
Research Engineer
Products Design Engineer
Facilities Design Engineer

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