Employment Interviewer: A description for the employment interviewer job

Jobs In Medicine And Health » Jobs In Administrative Specializations » Personnel Administration Jobs » Employment Interviewer

Employment Interviewer: Personnel interviewer, placement interviewer Interviews job applicants to select people meeting employer qualifications: Reviews employment applications and evaluates work history, education and training, job skills, compensation needs, and other qualifications of applicants. Records additional knowledge, skills, abilities, interests, test results, and other data pertinent to selection and referral of applicants. Reviews job orders and matches applicants with job requirements, utilizing manual or computerized file search. Informs applicants of job duties and responsibilities, compensation and benefits, work schedules and working conditions, company and union policies, promotional opportunities, and other related information. Refers selected applicants to person placing job order, according to policy of organization. Keeps records of applicants not selected for employment. May also perform reference and background checks on applicants. May also refer applicants to vocational counseling services. May also conduct or arrange for skills, intelligence, or psychological testing of applicants. May also evaluate selection and placement techniques by conducting research or follow-up activities and conferring with management and supervisory personnel. May also specialize in interviewing and referring certain types of personnel, for example professional, technical, managerial, clerical, and other types of skilled or unskilled workers. May also search for and recruit applicants for open positions [PERSONNEL RECRUITER (professional industry) 166.267-038]. May also contact employers in writing, in person, or by telephone to solicit orders for job vacancies for clientele or for specified applicants and record information about job openings on job order forms to describe duties, hiring requirements, and related data.

Job industry: professional industry

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